At school today whilst attempting to engage in IT Development, the internet decided not to cooperate. Luckily for me I had already done a few of the exercises on my own so many things were not new to me. I was happy to learn and soon to put into practice the Assignment section to be able to edit students work without having to download it. Happy about that aspect.
Finished Geography Outline for Term 1 Week 1 Year 2015-1016. Thoroughly happy about that. Having Ms Jack who is an enthusiast in the field of Geography has been a great help. Now on to tackling my history,
For the past CSEC EXAMs, of my 26 students who sat the exams, 16 pasted and 10 failed. Not a happy marker even though the percentage pass was higher than previous years at 66. Not good enough for me. My students must be place in a position to do better and that is where my job comes in.
For Homeschooling, Have set up an edmodo account for home. It's essential that I allot schedule for the kids to be occupied with learning. Not just book but in everyday interactions and doing. The concept of life lessons is reaching home.
As part of Life Lessons - Lesson 1
Teaching the kids how to sew. My niece first sewed yesterday using my machine. Just something impromptu. However tomorrow would be S first lesson - sewing a pillow case. I would also be teaching T to do the same.