Today makes the beginning of my vacation least a break from school...
It has been quite a draining term and semester... Felt that I had lost my teaching abilities along the way as so much time had been devoted to my external studies.
Lots of sleepless nights and moments that left me feeling ashamed of me. I had not given my usual 100%. Many days my lessons were rushed which greatly lessened what would have made the learning process less desirable for those that I must educate.
I believed that this time around similarly to my first year of teaching, I had given the students too much which may result in deep hatred of the subject areas.
Alas it it all over.. at least for the moment
UWI Studies
Began studies in August... Did 4 courses which challenged me to the brink. Many times I asked myself why am I doing this. Why did I get myself here? Many stressful, sleepless and coffee-filled nights....
Alas, my final exam was last Tuesday's maths... Going through the past papers were indeed quite helpful....
On too Semester 2.... Coming soon enough.